Monday, September 23, 2013

last hope?

Every search for health has periods of waiting and very often some of those waiting periods bring you face to face with a brick wall.  I was in one of those times and beginning to feel a little desperate.  During all my other waiting periods up to this point things had still been happening, just slowly.  Wheels were turning, behind the scene stuff was getting done, but now the ball was in our court and we seemed to have no where to send it.

Then God moved through another member of the body of Christ.  A doctor made an exception for me and I had an appointment with a specialist.  Sitting there hearing the news I wanted to cry.  A month seemed an eternity to wait but finally we could once again see ahead of us.

Maybe it was the long wait, maybe it was the fact that this doctor specialized in problems like mine, but for whatever reason I started hanging a lot on this appointment.  “If anyone could help me this doctor can” I thought “and if no one can help me…well we won’t go there.”  What I was doing did not dawn on me however until I was sitting there one day and thought to myself “this doctor is my last hope”  All of a sudden my internal radar went off.  “Wait a minute Rachel what did you just say?!  This person is your last hope??  Since when do you place your hope in people anyway?  And last hope - please!  No human being should ever be your last hope.  Who are you trusting anyway?  Can this doctor heal you?  Or if he has no options do you think God has run out of options too?  Where are you putting God in your life anyway?”  It was a little shocking to realize where I had wandered to, but it is easy to do isn’t it?

We spend so much time going to doctors, asking questions of medical people, taking the advice of specialists, that we sometimes forget - not only are they very human and fallible, they also can not heal us.  Only God can do that.  Desperation in our journey towards health comes when we leave God out of the picture and start trusting solely in man’s devises.  Take heart God is able to heal with a doctor or with out, using medicine, using food, or using only His holy Spirit.  No person on earth is ever your last hope.  God is your last hope and with Him who needs any other?

It was a good thing God called me on my wrong thinking because this doctor visit ended up being a flop.  As disheartening as that was though I came out of there knowing that even if the doctor did not know what was wrong with me God does and He does not need a person to bring me back to health.

Make sure you are looking beyond the people in your life to God Almighty in your illness.  Let Him be your hope because only He will never disappoint.      

“Why am I so depressed?  Why this turmoil within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him, My Savior and my God”    Psalm 42:11

“…I will put my hope in Your name for it is good.”    Psalm 52:9

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